In the 1990s, you couldn’t escape the visually chaotic art known as Magic Eye pictures, which promised to reveal hidden images ... if you could only figure out how to look at them the right way. But for many, no 3D image ever revealed itself, no matter how hard they stared. In July 2022, Eye on Design magazine in the USA went so far as to call Magic Eye pictures “the world’s most famous—and infamously frustrating—optical illusion,” noting that “the fact that it was so difficult to see the 3D shape hiding behind the hypercolored patterns was a major part of its appeal.” So what gives? If people can’t see the illusion, is there something wrong with their eyes? Are there really no hidden pictures? Is this all a hoax?
Most Magic Eye problems have to do with the way the eyes work with each other and the brain. To view 3D stereo images, your peepers have to work together as a coordinated team. If they’re not pulling together, you’re going to have some glitches in your binocular (two-eyed) vision or stereo vision (where the two slightly different views from your eyes are combined in the brain).
If your eyes are fine, then your Magic Eye problems could just be a matter of technique. Plenty have offered advice, including crossing your eyes, squinting, and practicing using your index figure and a picture on the wall.