Taking after the animated series from YouTube filled with bold fashions, Rainbow High brings the hippest addition to their curriculum in the form of Rainbow High Cheer Poppy Rowan Doll! Poppy Rowan comes with orange hair as well as long lashes and is one of Rainbow High's beautiful students.
Her 11-inch doll version features fully-articulation and wears a cheerleading outfit in Poppy Rowan's signature fly style, a pair of cheerleading shoes, a pair of cheer socks, a set of pom-poms, hair accessories and a comb, making Rainbow High Cheer Poppy Rowan Doll a great add-on to your child's collection!
Rainbow High Cheer Poppy Rowan Doll includes:
1 Fashion Doll
1 Cheerleading Outfit
1 Pair of Cheer Shoes
1 Pai of Cheer Socks
1 Set of Pom-Poms
1 Cheerleader Bow
1 Haircomb
The full-articulated fashion doll comes with sparkly eyes, long lashes, brushable shiny orange hair.
We recommend washing Poppy Rowan's hair thoroughly using some shampoo or a dish soap after unboxing to get rid of her hair gel then let it air dry to make her hair brushable. Collect all of the newest Rainbow High Cheer Fashion Dolls to see all the colours of the rainbow in their doll form (each sold separately).