Dive into a new dimension of immersion with the Razer Kraken V3 HyperSense a PC gaming headset powered by haptic technology. From rumbling explosions to whizzing bullets, with the ability to feel what you hear, the time has come to embrace true multi-sensory gaming.
THE DEEPEST IMMERSION. Dive into a new dimension of immersion with the Razer Kraken V3 HyperSense a PC gaming headset powered by haptic technology. From rumbling explosions to whizzing bullets, with the ability to feel what you hear, the time has come to embrace true multi-sensory gaming.
FEEDBACK THAT FEELS REAL. RAZER™ HYPERSENSE.Cutting-edge haptic drivers in each earcup pick up on audio cues and convert them into realistic vibrations that vary in position, duration, and intensity, providing touch-sensory feedback for in-game sounds.
STEREO HAPTICS Haptic effects flow between left and right earcups based on in-game positioning for greater spatial awareness and immersion.
Check out this all new headset when released on the 29th Jan 2022!